About us
Impeccable service in the field of clinical research, that is what we offer. With our team of highly talented specialists, we find the added value your company needs in order to take a step forward.
- We connect
We rely on a large and continuously evolving pool of highly skilled and talented professionals to identify the most suitable candidate for every project. All of our employees meet the strict professional standards that are required.
- We screen, select and match
People are valuable and they should be treated that way. Listening to all parties involved and understanding their true needs is a crucial part of the selection process. When matched, we always talk the opportunity through with our candidate before sending a resume to a client.
- We outsource
We put a lot of effort in the follow-up and coaching of our consultants. Personal contact, training and career planning are of the utmost importance to us.
- We place permanently
Based on a good understanding of the client’s needs and the candidate’s ambitions, we select and match the most suitable candidate for permanent placement.
We are a proud member of the Cronos Group. That gives Fern Valley the privilege to operate within the mindset of small and medium-sized enterprises and provide ditto atmosphere, while simultaneously receiving and offering big company benefits and perks.
We believe that freedom and respect lead to loyalty. That’s why we put a lot of trust in our people while giving them the assistance they need to be at their best. By thinking along with our clients and by giving our consultants the responsibility to enhance our reputation, we aim for long-term relationships on both sides. That, for us, is the result of a true perfect match.